Friday, October 17, 2008

Deeper into the Mystery

This is usually my favorite time of year, besides the summer. The mysteries of life seem to birth forward now. The earth has been primed by Virgo, our relationships have been graced by the lightness of Libra, as we step into communion with our deep regenerative resources in Scorpio. Connecting with our ancestors, symbolology, and inner power are are all linked in the underworld of the Scorpion.

Several years ago, on All Hallows Eve of 2004, I had an incredible experience which I recorded in my journal.

Autumn was setting in and as Halloween approached the veil between worlds became increasingly thin. The dusk of All Hallow’s Eve was deliciously mysterious as I decorated the house with the help of my cats. My furry little babes literally flew around on their magical broomsticks and fairy wings as I sorted through the witch-hat lights to decorate the front entranceway of the house. Mystical waters were palpable as we floated through the house settling in for the night.

I awoke Halloween day embodied with the energy of Blessed Be permeating my psyche. The Goddess gracefully whispered into every molecule of air as I moved about preparing for the day. She silently invoked her sacred song into my complete essence, as she whispered aliveness and blissful wellness into every woman who sings her sacred song to today.

Literally moving within a cloud of joyful radiant knowing, my entire being is filled with the brimming veil of all that is sacred, and all that is unseen and alive as I drive to Unity for the Sunday service. I arrive confident and late to the service. I sit. My body goes through the motions to rise and sign the Lord’s Prayer. Nothing comes out of my mouth, my lips don't move. I am guided to go outside to keep the feminine sacred rather than sing in devotion to the masculine principle.

The Earth calls me to the creek along the edge of the church property. I sit on the earth, Indian style with my face to the sun enclosed by autumns' fallen amber, crimson, and clove. Streaming light illuminates my face and a luminescant spinning star appears with eight oval spheres.

Then Mary Magdalene appears, warming me with her soft, strong, and grounded presence. Her energy is maiden, mother and crone of the highest light, vibrating integrity and wise compassion. Then Guinevere appears. I ask her what her role is in this vision, and she shows me the veil to the ancient landscape of Avalon. She is the gatekeeper. As Guinevere lifts the veil, I am inside Avalon. I see the Lady of the Lake rising from the sacred water. Her sword is held high. I ask her what her message is. She tells me it is time for all women to awaken from their sleep, to awaken to their deep knowing and to rise in unison to reclaim the feminine.
The entire day is sheathed with the veil of ancient knowing, gifts and wholeness. It is so and so it is! I arise and give thanks and blessings to my sisters. Blessed Be!
Wow, I am happy to share some light and dreamy stuff, especially since reality seems all to real these days.

This Hallow's Eve follows the New Moon in Scorpio, October 28th which kicks off the elections and heads us full gear into a new world. Scorpio always presents to us what must die to be reborn. What is unnecessary, what needs transformation? The fixed signs of Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo are in a planetary T-square, showing us our collective and personal shadow, and our highest ideals and healing dreams and visions for all, and where our personal actions need resourceful power to generate and manifest real change.

The other dynamic and intense aspect is the opposition of Uranus and Saturn which I addressed in the previous Astro Weavings and in the Saturn in Virgo article.

Here are some quotes, called Sabian Symbols, from Dane Rudhyar, a famous and highly respected astrologer of the early twentieth century. The symbols offer real clarity for the present times when interperted with an open mind or metaphysically.

Chiron 17 degrees Aquarius--
"A watchdog stands guard, protecting his master and his possessions." "The development of the capacity to protect oneself and to safeguard one's individual rights under complex social pressure.
North Node 15 degrees Aquarius--
"Two lovebirds sitting on a fence and singing happily." "The blessing bestowed upon personal achievements by the spiritually fulfilled consciousness of the Soul."
Neptune 22 degrees Aquarius--
"A rug is placed on the floor of a nursery to allow children to play in comfort and warmth." "The warmth of understanding which comes to those who, early in life, are open to new possibilities."

Mars 18 degrees Scorpio--
"A path through woods brillant with multi-colored splendor." "The exalted feeling of a work well done and a truly consummated life."
Uranus 20 degrees Pisces--
"A table is et for an evening meal." "An indication that in the end and at the appointed time the invidual's needs will be met among those to whom he is linked by a spiritual (or biological) web of energies."

Saturn 19 degrees Virgo--
"A swimming race." "The stimulation that comes from a group effort toward a spiritual goal."

To expound upon this last quote this further, Rudhyar states, "When man has become an expert swimmer he has smybolically learned how to operate in a new element. This element, water, represents the ever-flowing stream of psychic energy, and, in a sense at least, the "astral" world. In a still deeper sense man is now able, mystically speaking, to cross the river and reach "the other shore"--or to swin back toward the source. Whether or not the symbol should suggest the competitive spirit at work is questionable. At the biological level a host of spermatozoa are swimming toward the ovum, and each presses on toward the goal, the act of impregnation. A seeker after spiritual rebirth actually does not strive alone. It is Man who, acting through the most advanced individuals of the race, is taking a step toward "rebirth" or toward a new mutation. The personal ego-centered ambition to succeed and to be "first" is indeed a sign of expectable spiritual failure.

At this stage we are confronted with a problem of interpretation. Is not ambition a subtle form of deviation under the pressure of ancient karma, and the competitive spirit so valued by our civilization a sign of failure to understand the deeper reality of existence? What is needed is EMULATION, not competition.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What is Wealth?

Driven now to redefine our ideas and beliefs regarding what is important and truly meaningful in our lives, our attention turns to our individual and collective  relationship to wealth, i.e., our resources and finances.

Typically wealth is associated with financial fortune and affluence, and yet true wealth is derived from a state of well-being and wellness.  Forming this balance in the bodymind and soul is imperative now.  Conscious aliveness leads to wellness which portends a prosperous and happy life, although human conditioning create dichotomies which encourages separation from the intimate guidance of our soul.

The spiritual sustenance derived of being in direct relationship with the Sacred and the Divine within is irreplaceable, especially now as the world hits bottom.  In our modern culture, the accumulation of things is advocated and reinforced as the means to a better life.  Granted "things" bring us comfort and ease, but real comfort comes from living integrated and consciously embodied, not split off from our multi-dimensional selves.  Living solely from a 3rd dimensional perspective makes this world mundane, heavy and all too real.

The 3rd dimension is linear, narrow, and judgmental, requiring scientific evidence before anything is considered “worthy”. Wellness, wholeness, and wisdom develop from within a connected, transformed and free bodymind, which requires a open-mind, to consider the possibility that more exists just beyond this reality.

Allowing non-judgment to reside in our deepest core, encourages light to  radiate in every cell of our beings.  This light unites us with our highest purpose and fills our hearts with compassion.

Compassion is what will gracefully carry us through today's changing times.  What we have aligned with in the past no longer serves our collective evolution, and as we shall see, the old paradigms will fall away as new conscious systems establish themselves in service to the greater good of all.

When we become so self-responsible for what we create, we eradicate every thread of untruth that we had carried.  Self-responsibility comes first from taking an inventory of what we are storing, cleaning house, and making room for grace, miracles, and transmutation to occur.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Transformations

Welcome Libra & Happy Birthday
October is usually the month we find balance and harmony within our homes and pesonal relationships, both Librian traits, yet, this year we are deeply challenged to hold our balance as political drama and financial chaos come close to tipping us over.

It seems that all is askew and that there is no answer, no solution, yet now more than ever it is important to remain grounded, joyous, and prayerful, so we can see clearly, and earnestly listen to Spirit's calling and direction. For the next two weeks the collective mind will be busy, dreaming up scenarios which seem hopeless, so be mindful to stay in your body and to create abundance in your thoughts and actions.

There are several reasons everything feels so intense right now. The new moon on September 29th also brought us Mercury in retrograde. This retrograde period is probably the most confusing Mercury retrograde periods we have experienced, maybe ever, so hold on to your hats folks.

With numerous planets in air signs, squaring Jupiter in Capricorn we will feel a strong tendency to overthink. If you are feeling overwhelmed, slow down, breath, and visualize the center of the earth and your core. Turn off the news and know that we are just at the tipping point of a new world, which is shaking foundations which have been unstable for a long time. This is part of the dismantling which is necessary for change to come forward. It seems that the addictive and dysfunctional patterns of the collective and the masked fear--constant adrenaline rush--this country tends to run on is being revealed.

Venus is in Scorpio showing us where are values are and how deep they run. Jupiter is in Capricorn representing the consistent grounded sides of our natures. We can utilize Venus by getting into the juiciness of your bodies, or deep transformative healing. Jupiter offers us the pragmatism needed to apply our beliefs in our business, financial life, and communities.

With Neptune and Chiron maintaining their positions in Aquarius, we can continue to hold the vision of a conscious world, healed and highly aligned, therefore continue to utilize positive clear thoughts as they are our prayers. It makes a difference. This is not the first time we have been tantilized with fear dominated scenarios and this will not be the last, therefore we can choose to see through to the truth (Scorpio & Jupiter). Evolution is speeding up, which basically means that our thoughts are literalized within seconds of having them, so continue to be mindful, and clean house, inner and outer, as we move further into this season.

The other reason for the intensity is the upcoming opposition between Uranus and Saturn, exact on election day, November 4th. So don't be surprised if something changes, like election day having to take place on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. The candidates, and our consciousness or lack there of, are literally being symbolized by the Uranus Saturn opposition.

Uranus wants change, it wants to open to new ways while Saturn wants to stabilize and tighten its control. Uranus is associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius which is described as the change-agent, humanitarian, brillant, genius, and high-minded. Uranus can and will operate through shocking and intense events to create the necessary change to break through to new and viable avenues for the greater good. Saturn associated with Capricorn is interested in bringing form into ideals, it molds, shapes and builds communities, etc.

With Uranus currenlty in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo, the archetypes and functions of their repsective signs are expressing within our minds, our lives and our culture. Pisces is about Oneness, spirituality, and Christ Consciousness. Virgo, the healer is associated with the Virgin, the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, as well as the planetoid Chiron, the wounded healer.

Uranus, for close to seven years now, has been breaking up the stagnant and hidden truth about our ability to commune directly with the Divine Source of the universe, with God, without the need for religious constraints and dogma. Saturn in Virgo is bringing up our deepest wounds to be healed, revealing where we are in excess, where we are still holding to tight, where we are not honoring and devoting our time and energy in sacred service, where we are greedy and abusing our bodies, our minds, our authority, etc.

With all of this in mind, look closely at the candidates. What do you see? What and who are they representing? If we take a step back and allow ourselves to consider for a moment the pattern of victim and perpatrator/victimizer, good versus evil, etc. we may see that each one of us has been in either role at some point in time and space, this life or another. When we can truly focus on releasing the need to hold on to these patterns of punishment and the details of the story, we will be freed from them, personally and collectively. Granted, that may require some serious soul-searching as well as truly applying the concept to all of our circumstances.

Sometimes, it is only through extreme change that we awaken to deep transformation and healing.

Consider this, all of the lives we have lived run simualtaneously with our current lives, therefore, whatever we are dealing with now personally and collectively is similar to that which is unhealed from the past. Thus remembering ancient and sometimes karmic patterns bring forth release and true healing. Brain Weiss, an esteemed and respected world-renowed psychciatrist wrote the book, Many Lives Many Masters and Same Soul, Different Bodies. One day his very scientific practice expanded while digressing a very physically sick client under hyponosis to address what he thought was early childhood trauma. She entered into a past life, to Dr. Weiss' surprise and shock, remembered a tragic death, and upon her reentry into present time all of her illnesses eliminated permeantly.

We are not as limited and small we as think we are! The following quote was written by Marianne Williamson for Nelson Mandela:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

The other reason for the intensity of our times is the planet Pluto is crossing the Galactic Center of the Universe, as it changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn. I have addressed the upcoming opposition and Pluto in two articles, Saturn in Virgo and Pluto Across the Center. May the articles bring education and deeper insight and understanding to our collective path.
