Happy New Year All!
So far this year has been filled with deepening and awakening aspects. At the new year I felt a deep desire to rest into the stillness and depth of Capricorn which I haven't felt for a long time, and in early February, the solar and lunar eclipses awakened me to continue to evolve and make changes in my inner and outer life, to follow my heart ever more, even in the midst of economic strife, and to continue to be a change agent for consciousness.
February brings change, that is the essence of Aquarius. With two eclipses in Aquarius and Leo, humanantarian and heart-felt change is palpable, and knocking on our collective door. If you were working during the eclipses and did not find time to rest, you may feel exhausted. Eclipses bring heightened awareness, they raise the blanketed veil allowing us to feel and see beyond the mundane. There can be a sense of fear as well, but only if we are out of touch with our true natures.
After the eclipses, the moon in Scorpio squared the Aquarian team of Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Chiron and Neptune. I felt this intensely. This morning the moon is now in Sagiatarrius and will square Saturn later tonight through the early morning.