It amazing how Mercury retrograde gets me to write every time! I haven't written on my blog in months.
The new year brought with it bronchitis and early stages of pneumonia, then lovely Cleopatra moved through the final stages of her life in late January and most of February.
March definitely has blown in like a storm with loads of business, and now just as we enter into April and Mercury retrograde, three of my big jobs for the month canceled, and Bear my beloved long-haired beauty has become ill suddenly.
Uranus now 1 degree of Aries, opposing Bear's Venus in Libra and my progressed Sun in Libra. After Uranus opposing all my Leo and Virgo planets, along with Saturn conjuncting them and Neptune square Neptune, I'm not sure I can take anymore of Uranus' velocitude!
I certainly welcome all the fire, but not the sudden destabilization that comes with Uranus oppositional energy. It's all to similar to the events of my early youth, when Uranus and Pluto crossed through my fifth house and met up with Mars, then Neptune to square my natal Sun and Mercury. Somehow too much is happening all at once.
My sisters are having difficulties, I feel my health (my heart) is challenged, and my animals are aging and passing, all in the midst of our collective radicalization (is that a word? it is now).