Today's glorious and much needed balancing New Moon begins in the early AM, when the moon meets up with the Sun at 4 degrees of Libra, the sign of the scales. The Sun/Moon pair squares Pluto and opposes Uranus--two big players in the cosmos--forming what is known as a T-square aspect in astrology.
Oppositions offer us the opportunity to find balance between two polarities (usually we spend time at one archetypal end or the other until we find a way to integrate the opposing energies), and the square brings forth the growing edge of conflict, rubbing us up against something or someone that irritates us. These challenging aspects force evolution, whereas easier aspects, such as the trine and quintile offer us comfort and ease.
Libra is an air sign and is ruled by the planet Venus, thus communication and what we value in our lives in our one-on-one relationships is highlighted at this time, while simultaneously the bigger picture has our attention too due to the major influence the outer planets have on this New Moon. Mercury, conjunct the Sun/Moon, further enhances the need for cooperation, communication, and the forging of quick connections.
With the Moon/Sun in direct aspect to Uranus and Pluto, the polarized energy between Uranus and the Sun/Moon offer us the opportunity to burn off a huge amount of karma in respect to our relationships (past and present), because they square the planet of shared intimate resources, shared sexual fluid, primal urges--the point of release in this t-square is Pluto.
Uranus and Venus have two very different functions. Uranus wants freedom, liberation, and to express eccentricity while Venus wants stability, and to relate and bond. The two together forge a unique twist on the traditional relationship, so this moon may bring a surprising twist to our relationships, bringing us into more honest and radical communication with our partners than we have had before, and most certainly the need to significantly change our relationships.
Uranus votes for change, Venus holds on, and Pluto forces the issues (the truth) to the surface, if they haven't come up already. This is especially true for folks with planets/angles in early degree cardinal signs. It will be interesting to see how this new moon plays out in the bigger socio/economic/political arena. From everything I have read, when Uranus goes direct in December, some big corporate deceits will be brought out.
The Part of Fortune, Venus, Saturn, and Juno are all also in Libra, conjunct carrying the torch of balance, bringing with them the call for serious stabilization and benefits (even marriage) when the essence of beauty, fairness, equality and justice is applied in all our affairs.
This new moon is an excellent time for meeting new people, building new relationships, meeting a partner and for ending a relationship. If the later is the case, hopefully it ends in balance rather than extremes.
These Libra planets bring grace into the heavens, after so much upheaval in the world. May they bless and benefit you all.
with love...