Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Final Stages of Venus Retrograde (in Libra)

Venus, now in late degree Libra, continues to retrograde, taking us deeper into our relationships, with ourselves and others. Natally I have Mars in the 5th house of romance in Libra 23 degrees in square relationship with the Moon in the 8th house of interpersonal relations, in the sign of Capricorn at 24 degrees.

My Mars appreciates fiery heart-centered actions oriented towards fun loving competition balanced with integrity and refined relating, especially with men. My moon (my ego and emotional body) is supposedly reserved in Capricorn, and desires deep committed sacred sexual union through committed partnership, sharing energetic resources (power, money) which source from the tantric-shamanic realms. Mars in the 5th in Libra learns through a variety of sexual partners, while Moon in Cap in the 8th seeks serious lasting connections rather than the thrill of fleeting romance.

Since Venus moved out of Scorpio and into Libra, it is closing in on my Mars Moon square and deep feelings about past relationships and patterns, and finances have been brewing uncomfortably within me. Thank goodness for the deep loving friendships in my life, especially with my tantric oriented friends, who tonight reminded me of my relationship with the inner masculine and I feel so much better. I went to the website he suggested, Deep Masculine, and read most of the blog. It totally nurtured me, especially the post about apologies. I also scheduled an appointment with psychotherapist/astrologer for tomorrow to talk about this aspect within my chart, to integrate deeper.

The Mars Moon square not only expressed in my relationship with my mother, it has been a glaring one in my relationships with men! especially in choosing men who honor feminine wisdom (Capricorn). (Somehow I kept meeting men with Aries Moon creating a T-square with my Mars Moon). Lots of men can't handle women in their power, or feel threatened by it, and I haven't always chosen wisely, especially several years ago when Pluto was crossing my descendant.

For me, when my feelings finally come to the surface, the universe always reflects in loving ways and did so tonight. In my grief and deep desire to invite, allow, heal my relationship patterns, I consulted The Goddess Inspiration Oracle via Kris Waldherr's website (totally wonderful). First I received the Astarte card when I asked about a relationship that I felt mortified about--Astarte is totally connected to Venus and the relationship I was in! The card says, "Use the past as a lesson. Move forward with love."" Then I asked about my confusion and I got the Earth card, then I asked a more clarifying question and received the Hera--Goddess of Marriage card which says, "You can ask for respectful relationships." I totally cried in relief of being understood, heard, and supported to create anew.

This may all seem like a no-brainer for the logical intellect, but when emotions, unconscious patterns, and our sexuality are involved, it takes what it takes. ususally a great deal of continued courage, willingness, and wisdom to transform our relational issues.

I hope Venus retrograde is bringing healing and balance your way! Venus goes direct on November 18.

Blessed Be.

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