Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Week

Wow, this week has been totally intense. Three young boys from my nephew's school were randomly shot, one boy died. My uncle had a major heart attack and died yesterday morning, a good friend is in the hospital on life support while Barack Obama swept the nation's heart into a collective landslide voting him into office. Our heart's are raw here at home while joyously embracing this momentous historical time.

In addition my personal life is in total transition while I attempt to harness my collective gift and bring it forward in the collective although this is not the week to force anything. Transiting Saturn is opposing Uranus in a T-square aspect with Venus. This configuration is conjuncting and squaring my angels, my 4th house Uranus, Pluto, Venus in Virgo and opposing my natal Saturn in Pisces, and squaring my nodes.

I know this too shall pass, so I will wait it out. Venus will move forward and everything won't be so personally intense. I can handle to transiting opposition as I am quite familiar with it.

I looked up my uncle's chart and although I do not have his birth time, the chart reveals, Mercury, Venus, Pluto conjunct in Virgo. Saturn had just crossed over. My friend who is in the hospital has Venus in Pisces 18 degrees, Saturn is opposing and Uranus is conjuncting. They both were/are sixty years old. My uncle has south node in Leo and my friend has south node in Sagittarius. Neptune and Chiron are conjunct his SN and Saturn is squaring my friends mutable chart.

Wow,I am glad I got all of that out of my mind. When you understand astrology, especially the complexity, it can be quite isolating when others don't have the same reference point to discuss current events, etc.

Signing off for now.

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