Crosses initiate conflict and this grand cross is initiating conflict on many levels, and strives to help us turn the corner from Uranus' and Pluto's intimate union in the 1960's. The first quarter square seeks to bring that which arose forty years ago into conscious manifestation, i.e., green pathways, healing and medicine into one.
The grand cross occurs within the 1st five degrees of all the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), thus if you were born in the beginning of any of those corresponding signs or have other planets (Mercury, Venus, Moon...) in cardinal signs you are surely feeling their influence now.
Those born in the mid to later part of the cardinal signs will be impacted too, on a greater level as Uranus and Saturn make their way through these signs over the next five to fifteen years. Though the nodal axis (north and south nodes) in Cancer/Capricorn activates everyone now, as we experience the nodal axis of Pluto in Cancer/Capricorn (mother/father~water/earth~personal/business~feelings/structure), which is bringing up our collective memories of being alive together before, on the planet, most likely 26,000 years ago, at the last initiation, turning of ages point.
In terms of now, we are in the initial stages of what the cross will ultimately generate; the forging a new world, balance, right livelihood, and responsible action towards the earth and each other. Oh, right you may say, that's impossible! And it sure is if we are sleep-walking through the eye of the storm we are entering.
The birth canal point we are moving through, created by the convergence at the center of the Grand Cross~0 degree points of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (Uranus, South Node, Saturn and Pluto) all in square aspect to each other, is an initiation point for us to consciously align with so we may help the planet and her inhabitants birth more easily into a new level of consciousness, i.e., quantum physics, DNA evolution of our species, as well as, our survival.
One way to manage this birthing process without getting overwhelmed by the collective dramas and hype that may occur (because the configuration calls for extreme energies to arise, unless channeled-managed appropriately) is to rely on our bodily senses and our intuition, not our armored disembodied selves, drugged by the hype of our collective difficulties, addictions, and from our suppressed memories of past cataclysms and challenges (which gives our power away to the ego-driven authorities at hand).
This initiation cross is a collective call to wake-up and smell the earth!!! To metamorphasize into the butterfly, to honor all of our relations and to stop the insanity of living through the third dimension lens without valuing all life, and honoring equality in race, gender, relationships, and responsible care for the earth and all her kin.

The Grand Cross though, forces these issues to the forefront ultimately demanding resolutions to emerge. Quite literally are in the beginning stages of the Aquarian Age, on our way to a true humanitarian existence, but we have quite a chasm to cross first.
The first part of the cross, Uranus in Aries, calls for a total makeover of the masculine archetype. The unconscious masculine and patriarchal governing bodies are moving over slowly but surely, which I feel will bring a collective men's movement in full force as Uranus moves through Aries (beginning summer 2010). Men will learn to feel their feelings, honor the feminine and the earth, and the watery force flowing through (emotions) our planet. Uranus will see to it. The Uranus Saturn oppositions have already begun tearing down these outdated imbalanced structures--a process we will be in throughout the next four to seven years.
The second part of the Grand Cross is the Sun and South Node in Cancer conjunct Juno in Cancer. We are being asked to release our insecurities and self-focus (shadow of Cancer) on our country (USA). We have been spoiled and pompous utilizing too much of the earth's resources. This old paradigms must change if we are to thrive.
Next, Saturn in Libra, the third component to our initiation, asks us to achieve balance in gender issues, sexual orientation issues, and equality!!!!!!! Saturn in Libra is a blessing and usually prevails so don't give up hope just yet.
The final component of the four directions we are birthing through is Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is a turbo-charged engine ready to dig deep to get to the truth and nothing but the truth; especially the truth about our collective resources, our responsibility (Capricorn) to honor the Earth, and honor the feminine matriarch (Capricorn) and all her elder wisdom (Capricorn) that has been hidden for millennium.
Everything is up for change and the more we each take responsibility for cleaning up our own backyards and becoming embodied channels of light (we each have different roles) for the earth, the easier this transition will be.
More to come in next post about Neptune ingress into Pisces and Chiron in Pisces~collective healing, issues with water, emotions, spirituality...
Here are some important dates for the summer:
June 26, Lunar Eclipse
A very psychic time which precedes the grand cross on July 30th.
Uranus will be at 0 Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries (huge volatile and transmutative energy), square Mercury, Sun, Juno, South Node in Cancer, square the Moon, Pluto, Ceres, and the North Node in Capricorn, square Saturn in Libra.
July 30th
One of the challenges of this time is brought by the addition of Mars to the grand cross. Mythologically and historically Mars symbolizes war. Mars begins building energy throughout the energy of June and joins Saturn at 0 degrees Libra on the 30th. I suggest this is not a time to be out and about unconscious of what is occurring. Grounded prayer, meditation, embodiment practices, and hara/chakra alignment is crucial for manifesting a direct link to source for guidance.
Most likely the collective unconscious will be reeling with a level of stress, upheaval, fear and chaos. Community vigils and networks are important now. Not ones focused on the imbalanced actions of doing just to do, but the feminine alignment and embodiment (similar to the meditations of the people in Avatar) which stimulate aliveness, awakened aliveness and bliss if it's integrated.
We will have to make a conscious choice to move towards the feminine and the evolved masculine now. In Avatar, their homeland was destroyed (the tree of life) but those connected to the feminine and the awakened conscious masculine survived. Although I loved the movie, I didn't love the duality it represented, we have to move integrated beyond duality to come through this time in wholeness.
Being feminine does not correlate to being a door mat, or being passive it is a calling for us to become instruments of the God'dess. Our bodies are instruments of the earth and the heavens when we are embodied in them. Dissociation is common, even on a small scale. It is an imperative now to choose embodiment and become a channel for wisdom, and guided action for others. Whatever conscious measure is taken is no little too late. We didn't come here at this time to deny our souls, we came to witness our strength, courage, and willingness to become our true selves and to witness each other.
The following is a post from astrologer Maurice Fernandez.
In normal circumstances, some people go through changes while others continue their routine. Here the alignment is so strong and dramatic that everyone’s life can be considerably affected… it is likely that your life will not be the same by fall 2010! The question that often arises is:” Is it bad, or is it good?” The answer is that it depends on the way one deals with the events; a conscious approach can make a difference.
One thing for certain: do not expect security, consistency, and predictability during this time. Reality is bound to change fast and so it is better to move with the flow, while remaining conscious of what is going on. Flexibility is one of the most important assets during this time. This influence is analogous to a gigantic wave forming…you can ride on that wave and go farther than ever expected —experience a powerful transformation that can elevate you to new grounds. But this wave can also destroy a lot of what you are currently attached to.
Redefinition may occur in different fields: you may change vocation, relationships, location, mindsets, to name but a few. New people will move into your life, current ones may leave. New ideas and projects will develop and you may feel inspired to completely reinvent yourself! The cards are re-shuffled! This is a time of an awakening, a revolution…an internal and social revolution.
Everything is shaking up… everything…from November 2009 until August 2010, nothing will stay still. It can be very good, but you have to learn to navigate these changes and seize opportunity when it comes. Don’t try to have it all perfect, don’t try to keep the cake and eat it: change can take you to a completely new and perhaps higher level of what you are about, but you will have to let go of your security during this time. It is a time for risk, reinvention, new ideas, new concepts, new vision, and the impetus to make it happen. Marriages may break, jobs and possessions may be lost, people may get sick, and simultaneously, new relationships may emerge, new passion may awaken, a completely new lifestyle is in the making...You are embarking on an adventure whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not. My suggestion: make peace with the idea, don’t resist the adventure. If you are accepting it, you will make the best of it. If you fight and resist it, you won’t win. This is what I mean by being open to risk taking… it may be time to take that “plunge!”
Risking does not mean giving in to every silly venture. It is about hearing a calling for truth…things you have denied, postponed, avoided, feared, but things you know were true. This is a time to be more truthful and follow a calling.
Collectively, while the forces of corruption and manipulation may attempt to control the course of events, they are bound to disintegrate. Scandals will continue to hit the news…Natural events will continue to shake the earth. At worst, a war may break during summer 2010 or later because dramatic changes can spur fear and conflict. But it does not have to go that way; we are creators of our own destiny in the midst of the given circumstances.
As you go through these changes, it is crucial that you take good care of your immune system because as positive as changes may be, they can overwhelm you and weaken your immune system: eat more healthy, avoid fast sugar, ingest raw garlic and onions daily (sandwich), exercise, take time out of the intensity loop, do not let negativity take over—these are basic tips that can keep you grounded.
Importantly: the situation heating up is like a piece of molten iron that can be beaten into a better form—personally and collectively. Be an ambassador of good and avoid wasting time on trivial details. For example, as we see the earth being depleted and all resources and species dwindling, people waste time arguing if global warming is or is not happening…if it is man-made or not! IT DOESN’T MATTER! What matters is that the natural world is vanishing before our eyes because of our misaligned actions: excessive pollution, deforestation, and peaking toxicity levels are a reality beyond global warming debates.
Similarly, the economy is not likely to stabilize any time soon…but perhaps, necessarily so. And so it will be with many other aspects of your life...you will not have immediate answers. Be patient and keep doing your best. When the cycle will complete, new circumstances will emerge. This cannot be artificially rushed. These dramatic times are an opportunity for us to restructure our lives, personally and collectively. As many things are being redefined, we can relinquish bad habits and attachments, open up to new ideas, and invest in what works rather than settle for immediate gratification. Patience is another essential asset.
In this context, do not expect others to change for the better if you don’t do it yourself. We blame the governments and project our frustration on distant “evils,” but fail to open our hearts ourselves. Being pro-active may work better than being self-righteous.
October 30 to early December 2009
January 15 to February 15, 2010
June 25 to August 5, 2010
November 1 to December 26, 2010
Understand this is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves in a better way. Understand there will be a price to pay, something may need to go. If you lose something or someone, understand this is the sign of these times, use a crisis to venture into new horizons and create something new. Understand this is an adventure and risk must be taken. Understand that this is not a time when we can expect security—we are in transition. Listen to your inner truth, make you life truly happen now. Take care of your immune system: avoid bad diets in general…they render you vulnerable to opportunistic viruses. Support your friends and family, we all shall need one another for support during this transition time. Cultivate your spiritual practice: this is also important for your immune system. Do your best to do good: whatever you seed now will have effect now and later.
There is probably more than can be said and explained, but you get the point…
An incredible opportunity is arising, now and throughout 2010…this type of cycle has not happened in recent history. We can expect a certain level of destruction to occur—that is the price to pay…but the prospect of experiencing an awakening and creating a better future is now within reach. We are now in the midst of a revolution—a cultural, social, and political revolution. On a personal level, it is a conceptual, emotional, and or spiritual revolution…truly, it is in the making!
I wish you the very best and infinite blessings during this time and beyond!
May you be guided and manifest the highest of your potential...