As the fire of Mars finds it way out of its long sojourn in the sign of Virgo (8 months), we come out of our charged focus on healing and clearing issues that impacted our health and well-being, most likely relating to the arenas of sex, anger management, and work, to a new focus.
July 4th, Mars redirects us to find balance in the midst of extremes as Mars ingresses into the sign of Libra. Balance and equilibrium in the face of the extremes is what Libra does, by utilizing its attributes and desire to create beauty, justice and mediation in relationships of all kinds.
This is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT NOW--as we progress towards the week of July 13th. Mars will be at 5 degrees Libra in opposition to Uranus, the planet of liberation, freedom, that comes in surprise and traumatic events, and squares the turbo generator planet of upheaval-Pluto, to eliminate what is unnecessary. Power-struggles in relationships is likely, so choose your battles wisely, and consider whether being right is worth forfeiting serenity!
By the 15th these three planets will be in an exact T-square (hard angles). Known as malefic's in ancient astrology they can bring forth harmful, crazy making energy, especially if we walk around unaware and unconscious (most folks are) of the timing of their influence.
The planets can be worked with in a positive way, but due to the level of unconscious fears and ego patterns that operate in our collective mindset via acceptable behaviors, the best we can do is be present within ourselves and pay attention to what is going on around us.
This time coming up is RE-ACTIVE ENERGY. Mars and Uranus are squaring Pluto in Capricorn, an earth sign, so be prepared for strange weather patterns, earth changes, human reactions and actions that may be dangerous. Thus, this is another good time TO LAY LOW, pray, meditate, be as MINDFUL AS POSSIBLE.
Mars rules moving vehicles and driving--Mars in T-SQUARE aspect to Uranus Pluto-DRIVE AS CONSCIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE!
Throughout the majority of June, Uranus and Pluto have been in an exact square. Mars coming along, to join the collective planetary party, amps up the volume for three weeks in July. KEEP COOL, LEVEL HEADED and LAY LOW IF NECESSARY.
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