Thursday, June 19, 2008

Compost-A Metaphor for Life

Last year I decided to learn about composting. I picked up a free bin through the county and started a rudimentary pile. I threw all my kitchen scraps in with yard trimmings and turned it a few times, leaving it to basically rot through the fall and winter.

It was a mess, it stunk. and it was gross! To my surprise, in late February, when I checked it, the most beautiful deep rich brown soil was before my eyes. I was completely delighted. I made dirt!

I was so excited! I felt that I was taking responsibility for the refuse I created, and my excitment was akin to a two year old learning how to poop for the first time.

Our emotional, mental and spiritual garbage needs to be recycled on a regular basis and so does our physical trash. Composting puts me in touch with the Earth's abundant natural resources and her innate intelligence. Participating in this act nourishes and feeds the earth element within me.

As we all become more and more comfortable with our own backyard we will be more and more connected to the natural rhythms of nature.

Composting does not have to stink if you follow the basic and easy guidelines. This year I have three compost bins going and I love it.

Happy Composting! The photo above is of my herb garden, 2006.

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