Friday, October 30, 2009

Taurus Full Moon

It never fails, what we behold during the new moon comes to fruition at the full moon. This past new moon I prayed for a new part-time job and presto, I have one!

The leaves are falling now as the colors of Autumn fill our senses with hearth fires, Halloween, and the approaching holidays. I have always enjoyed this time of year. It represents the beginning of our descent into the mystery of life, into the depth of our souls and our psyches, into Scorpio.

As the sun moves through the early degrees of Scorpio, we celebrate a full moon in Taurus, Sunday, November 2nd, just as we approach the initiation of a Cardinal Grand Cross with Saturn's ingress into Libra. The Scorpio sun is conjunct Ceres and Mercury in opposition to the moon and square to Mars in Leo at 7 degrees, shy of an exact square to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune, all within later degrees of Aquarius.

These fixed signs.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon and the Sun at 10 degrees Taurus: A woman watering flowers in her garden. Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based. In essence, it is our ego functions which drive our desires, yet our attachment to how our desires are fulfilled must be fertile enough to allow for flexibility.

It is not length of life, but depth of life.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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