Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Subtle Energy & Evolution

The energy body~pictured to the left~sits just over top of our physical body and is made up of our mental, emotional and spiritual etheric energy. The white energy or vibration is an "aura," which is our energy bodies expanded "field," layered one on top of the other.

Every living tangible thing on this planet has an energy body which carries various vibrations or frequencies which are directly associated with the thoughts we carry, including judgments; the emotions we store, positive and so-called negative; and our spiritual beliefs, both expansive and limiting. Without going into an entire course on this, as there are lots of great books and courses out there, (Donna Eden, Barbara Brennan, etc.,) the energy body or our subtle energy field houses all of our experiences, memories, dreams or aspirations, as well as our incongruities, judgments, and fears.

Restating what I have already said on many of my other posts, the vibration on the planet is increasing, and as it does, intensify (speed up), the necessity to maneuver and manage our subtle body will become more and more important and apparent. With this quick-a-ning, the state of our energetic health, i.e., physical, emotional, psychic, mental immunity will come to make all the difference in our personal and collective lives. As whatever our energetic "radio stations" are playing will become amplified the fold outward into our physical realities, thus, whatever radio station we are tuned into in our heads, i.e., the films of fear, dread, and drama we play (stored within the solar plexus power center), are all literally being "projected" outward just as a film is projected onto a screen out into our environments and out to the big projector, our global collective world.

Subtle energy need to be managed, and most of us don't even know these subtle energy exists, thus the imbalances that have occurred throughout a lifetime(s) generally go unchecked.

Usually throughout a lifetime the quality or integrity of our energy body becomes altered or mis-aligned due to emotional, physical and spiritual traumas and challenges, from this life and our past lives. (Yes, our past lives~there is a huge gap out there between the belief that this is our only life and what our energy fields are carrying around~we all have lived many many times). Thus our soul imprints need to be worked with, healed via the subtle body (memories).

Essentially we are receptors, nervous systems, which house information. When those receptors are damaged or disconnected, our ability to receive and remain open to feel, sense, intuit, and consciously relate with everything (earth, plant, water, insect, animal, human) becomes stagnated and our physical bodies no longer stay in-tune with our subtle body, thus we separate or split off from ourselves, from our wholeness. This is the essence of dis-ease, literally our "separation" from our whole selves.

Many people poo poo this, and say its all woo woo, but it's not. Collectively we are advancing, and even though everything looks like its going to hell-in-a-hand-basket, its the alignment with our wholeness that is needed through this evolutionary process we are in. No longer isolated, deemed safe to our separate lives, we are all in this together. And as we progress forward, to need to have our subtle body essentially balanced, housed, and grounded, within our physical gravity body. It's really imperative as we are truly leaping forward as a species. We are made up of DNA strands which are evolving into a more dynamic, efficient, and progressive structure.

So where does one begin this process of relating to the energy body? The first question is to ask ourselves, where and how do we feel separated, dis-connected from ourselves. The question is not for the intellectual mind to answer, it's for the inner voice, the inner eye, the inner self to experience and feel into.

The energy body, when aligned, has a literal plume line that channels through the center of all the chakras, its called the hara line which runs through the core of the body. For more information, check out one of the books mentioned above.

Chakras are like databases, and they operate very similar to computer hard-drives because they store data. Each chakra, a spinning wheel of light, manages a different aspect of our life, of who we are. There are seven ordinary chakras (root or base, belly, solar, heart, throat, third-eye, and crown), and many other extra-ordinary chakras (Earth star, core star, soul star, ...) within everything natural on this planet. The ordinary chakras relate to our ability to be joyously grounded on the earth; to be creative, sexual, and sensual; to be empowered; to be emotional, happy, and ...; to speak our truth, to see, and to know Unity, God, and Goddess.

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