Saturday, December 4, 2010

Winter Solstice Eclipse

Here we are at the darkest point of year and at the second to last phase of the 2010 cardinal climax (the last phase occurs when Uranus moves back into Aries March 13 and crosses the Vernal Aries Point).  Mercury, now in Capricorn, will retrograde on December 10th and move back into Sagittarius.  The day of the Full Moon Eclipse, December 21st, the Gemini Full Moon will oppose the Sun at 29 Sagittarius.  Mercury (the ruler of Gemini) and Magdalena both at 26 Sagittarius sit right on the Galactic Center point, three degrees from the Sun, and Pallas Athene sits on the other side of the Sun (o degrees) conjunct the North Node at 2 Capricorn--all of this just after the nodes have crossed over Pluto in Capricorn (Pluto is still a planet--yea think!).

When I look at this chart, slated for 2:41am EST, the beginning of the Total Eclipse, the rising sign is o Scorpio.  This puts Venus, our beautiful retrograde traveler, now direct in Scorpio in the first house of the chart, at the very degree (13) she began her retrograde motion in earlier in November.  I mention this because the other significant themes I see in this chart, other than all the outer planets in aspect to the Moon, aside from numerous asteroids not mentioned, are the feminine powerhouses and the suppressed Virgin, Magdalena, highlighted in a major way.

No other astrologers I know, except for a few female astrologers, even consider Magdalena in their readings.

With Venus in the first house, in Scorpio, Magdalena and Mercury on the GC point, our collective minds are ready for some major insight, learning, awareness to occur.  The shadow of the repressed feminine (instilled by patriarchal religions and society) during this eclipse is bound to rise to the surface to be seen, in a visible (and felt) way.

The second house is loaded with the Sag planets (how we make our money, want we value, stability.  Pluto, NN and Mars are in the third creating lots of mental brooding and obsessing, as well as , actions.  The Moon in the eighth, bringing up our hidden emotions, and Saturn in Libra in the 12th is working from behind the scenes.

Simultaneously, the US is experiencing a Saturn return (Saturn is ruled by Capricorn) in Libra, which squares the US natal Sun in Cancer.  Karma, karma, karma!!! here it comes, so much Saturn/Capricorn! If the bail out of the big banks hadn't occurred, we might actually be thoroughly rebuilding our financial systems right now.  Instead we are experiencing the shadow of Capricorn via corporate takeover, economically stifling the masses in every way.  Capricorn/Saturn represents authority (inner and outer).  As a collective we've given our authority away.  What is authority?  Astrologer, Caroline Casey describes it as "the inner author" who writes their own story.  But because we're in denial culturally, we're deemed impotent to (shadow of Neptune/Pisces) and take our power back.  Hopefully Mars in Capricorn during Mercury retrograde will express as the Mars person or people, having high integrity and being strong for others, rather than charging ahead to gain a victory!

How all this plays out?  There are many perspectives.  A good place for us to start is to learn about the illusory-malaise we operate from is in reading, Soul-Sick Nation," by Jessica Murray.  Another resource is "Star blog, one of the best astro-political blogs out there from a local Maryland astrologer, Nancy Sommers.  The US natal Neptune conjunct...but that's another story to write about later.

If the corporations, banks, and governing structures of our country (and the world) operated consciously, responsibly, we could deal with the typical pressure Saturn always delves out during a Saturn transit (tightening, narrowing, repression, harsh, cold themes, meant to squeeze out what is unnecessary and no longer needed, getting down to brass tacks, to the metal--cutting away of something).  But Saturn abhors irresponsibility, and there's hell to pay to a culture (Cancer/Capricorn) run on greed, addiction, and mindless manipulative marketing strategies.  Unfortunately these themes have ruled this country for far too long.

From an archetypal perspective, when the feminine nature of Capricorn is not honored (ancient elder wisdom, responsible community and corporate management, deep internal honoring of earth (and water/winter) principles, i.e., commitment, consistency, step by step up the mountain, building in alignment with nature, saving, reserves) aren't honored, there's trouble brewing.

When Mercury goes retrograde on the 10th of December, I wouldn't be surprised if the internet goes down sometime around December 15th, just as Mercury crosses over Pluto (communication gets lost in the underworld).  Americans and the world at large will have lots of time to reconsider all of our actions at that time.

Be sure to mindfully care for your bodies.  Mars rules accidents and Capricorn, bones and physical structures, i.e., the body, buildings, etc.

Polar extremes are clearly felt, and it's effortless to get thrown into the polarity of either side, thus fear is apt to run high.  I have decided not to go to either extreme.  The center is the best place to deal with so many changes coming at us all at once.

Collectively we are under a strong Neptune influence in the US.  On the US natal chart Neptune is conjunct our Aquarius Moon, and on our

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