Monday, April 4, 2011

Astrological Perspectives

As many of you know I am an avid astrological enthusiast, with a mutable grand cross in my chart,  along with mutable angles and a mutable nodal axis (in fire/air) fueled by my Sun and Mercury in Leo.  I was drawn to astrology in my teen years as a moth is drawn to a flame.  As I approached my early twenties, I began to study astrology (and metaphysics) as a tool to better understand myself and gain some understanding of the complexities of my psyche and my life.  Later, after much healing and awakening, I focused on astrology to grasp the movement of the collective as well, rather than depend solely on the lens of the daily chronicles.

I truly appreciate the larger context astrology operates from and its diverse perspectives (archetypal, mythological, psychological, mathematical, mundane, scientific, astronomical), and have found the rhythm of the planets to be an accurate barometer of both personal and collective temperatures.

With a 60's Generational Signature (Uranus-Pluto in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces) personalized by Venus, Saturn and the nodes, I am a seeker of authentic transformation and integration via holistic healing, integrative bodywork, body-centered psychology, mythology, shamanism, the reclamation of the Goddess and spirituality, as well as many artistic pursuits (art, dancing, writing, jewelry making).  In other words, I am drawn to the language of the soul.

I began to seriously study astrology (and archetypes) in my early twenties, driven by a sincere need to transport myself out of the unconscious world of addiction and dysfunction.  The language of astrology offered me a means to cognitively understand the struggles and extremes of my life, while visually feeding my creative and analytical mind.  The map of my personal zodiac, described my first astrology reading ever (1995) from Caroline Casey, described me to a T, revealing a complex, intense, fiesty, depressed, creative firey person!  I was thoroughly impressed.  Casey seemed to know everything about me, my background, and even my parents, though I had never met her before!  That August I laid under the stars on the beach and saw my first falling stars ever during the Perseid meteor shower.

This new found genre of data helped me manage the painful lessons of my soul's quantum intention.  As time moved along, I went further, deeper via evolutionary astrology into understanding my soul's past conditioning, and its intention to transform and metamorphosize out of those past conditioned patterns (trauma, fear, guilt suppression~Virgo) through self-love, compassion and service to God'dess.

The language of astrology continually encourages me forward through cycles of growth, around the wheel of time, beyond the limitations of my personality, my addictions, and my resistance to evolve, towards my heart and my sou desire to serve through compassion.  Resistance includes karmic deep seated patterns of fear to change and spiritually evolve and devote to a spiritual path, to publishing my books (big one for me in this life), and become my true self.

I love this language.  When  it is embodied, it offers the seeker a progressive perspective, which is both deeply profound and accurate.  Evolutionarily speaking, astrology is means to release the ancient past and access the gifts of our evolving present, empowering our personal and collective future.

May the Sun rise to meet you~
May the Moon speak to you~
May Mercury guide your way~
May Venus provide sustenance~
May Mars ignite your highest desires~
May Jupiter enlighten your beliefs~
May Saturn teach us well~
May Uranus awaken us all~
May Neptune bring you empathy~
May Chiron heal your soul~
May Vesta fire your hearth and home~
May Ceres feed you well~
May Magdalena share her wisdom~
May you discover Lucifer's light~
May Amazona strengthen your heart~
and may each day grace you.