Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Celebrate Venus' Transit

Ladies--join us Monday, June 4th, the night of Full Moon Sagittarius Eclipse, in honor of Venus and the beloved sacred energy she has shared with us for the last eight years.


7-8:30 PM, June 4th, $20 Nautilus Studio Please CONFIRM ATTENDANCE AHEAD OF TIME, for further information and directions, to gain ENTRY THRU THE GATE

Come dance with us, as we honor Venus and this culminating once in a lifetime blessing of grace that she has bestowed to us, as she has traveled through the sky spreading her ancient geometric five-pointed star Phi-in-the-Sky illumination pattern, in and thru us the last eight years (2004-2012).  This surely is reason to celebrate and give reflection to the symbolic Sacredness of Venus and the Divine Feminine.

This is a great way to reflect and integrate, in body-mind and soul what we have received, how we have grown, what we have discovered over the last 8 years.

Venus symbolizes what we moving forward through the rest of Venus' retrograde period (May 23-June 28), what will we take away with us and CULMINATE into our relationships with self, other, work, money to create and honor our Venusian hearts.

Who and what do we need to let go of?  How much do we value ourselves? our relationships? our time, money, our creativity, our sexuality?  Do we give it away? Do we hold on to tight? Do we create? 

These are a few questions to consider in determining what we value and how we can develop a well-spring to hold those values and move in life.

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