Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Egyptian New Year

July marks the new year for the ancient Egyptians. Although different sources quote slightly different dates as the exact New Year’s Day, almost all agree it falls in the month of July which coincides with the annual flooding of the Nile and the heliacal (dawn) rising of the great star Sirius, the energy portal to the Milky Way Galaxy. In some literature, July 17th marks the birthday of Isis - queen of ancient Egypt, great teacher from Sirius and archetypal representation of the Divine Goddess.

Of Egyptian lineage, the deity Isis is often associated with healing, alchemy and the lunar energy. She represents the female principle of nature: receptivity, creative force, nurturing, gentleness. She is also known as the Goddess of 10,000 names as it is believed that all goddesses are an aspect of Isis, the Divine Mother. A master in spiritual science, Isis’ healing works like magic. She lovingly supports all her initiates on becoming great healers themselves.

Isis originates from the star system known as Sirius, the brightest star visible from the earth’s sky. Also the energy portal to our galaxy, Sirius is a much evolved consciousness currently of the 6th dimensional plane. The Sirians, our brothers and sisters of higher evolution, have long been monitoring and supporting the human evolution since the Great Experiment – the seeding of the human race. As we get ready to transit to the next envelope of light which also marks the end of the Mayan calendar, the Sirian High Council and the Galactic Councils of Light are earnestly guiding us through this rebirth of the human consciousness and light body. It would be a wonderful blessing to receive an attunement from the Sirian Star Beings as an ascension gift.

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