Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July Astro-Weavings

June brought us the ingress of the Sun into the sign of Cancer at the Summer Solstice, and so far, July has ushered in a New Moon in Cancer just before the 4th of July, and will bring us a Full Moon in Capricorn this Friday, July 18th.

Moving into a full moon phase out of a new moon phase either brings a flowering of the seeds we planted at the new moon, or a necessary weeding. The Cancer new moon encouraged us to nourish and feed ourselves and our families. Now, this Capricorn full moon asks us to set limits and boundaries, so we can mature into pragmatically providing our "civilized" function in soceity.

The containers of our lives provide us with arenas for growth. When they are healthy and functional, we mature and develop our own inner authority. Eventually outgrowing the old strutures, ready then to provide the containers of our work in the world. If we are unable to care deeply for ourselves and our families, we are ill-prepared to manage in the outer world.

Capricorn, a feminine signature of the earth element, is coming home to her original function in the collective now, as the matriarch of the Earth. Therefore, this full moon is asking us to follow the course we set at the new moon, and step with intention into its fulfillment on the Earth plane, through whatever "civilized"practical roles and choices we make now.

In today's world 'civilized' is not necessarily the standard or default of what our outer culture deems appropriate (living without mindfulness and heart-centered bliss). So follow your bliss and show up in ways which help you responsibily manage the boat you are navigating in life.

Moving into Leo
Tuesday, July 22nd the Sun moves into the Heart of the Lion, Leo. August is a power packed month so live it up! The month bring a Leo Solar Eclipse, August 1st, an Aquarius Full Lunar Eclipse, August 16th, and a New Moon in Virgo, August 30th.

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