Monday, July 7, 2008

Listening & The Web of Life

Listening is a language sometimes long forgotten.  A concept abandoned, years ago, when earth, ocean and sky were still honored and held sacred for their innate wisdom.  Today, though, it is not unattainable for us to sit and listen to all of life.

The sand, the wind, rock, tree and rain sing a song, just as animals and children do.  We, are invited guests here on this beautiful planet earth, with a fine tuned ability to listen with our hearts and minds, to the symphony all around us.

When we listen, rather than impose our thoughts onto people, places, and things, we experience the web of life and it teachings.  Learning to listen to inner guidance, our  body's voice, subtle energy, and the heart is an art form that can be cultivated.

When we sit to listen initially, we may be confronted with the voices from the outer world and our ego persona's, but choosing to go deeper, opens us to an inner world of wonder, peace, beauty and grace. It is from this place that universal heart intelligence speaks, and it is from this place that we truly commune and join with each other.

Children use play and fantasy to establish our inner guidance to inherently lead us towards our unique and specific gift or role in life. Circumstances, events, and culture typically lead us away from our listening to our inner barmoters. When we have been away or directed away from the inner voice, it finds another means to get our attention, our bodies.
This is the basis of mind-body connection.

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