Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mars Gaining on Grand Cross

I wanted to post the latest information and insights I have about the current collective barometer.

Mars (the planet of war and action) is in Virgo at 17 degrees, just a week away from conjuncting MakeMake and Saturn. Makemake is a dwarf planet named after the culture of Easter Island (they ultimately destroyed themselves) which will then close in on Saturn to oppose and fully engage with Uranus and Jupiter in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn--all participants in the Grand Cross of this summer 2010.

Personally, I am really feeling Mars now as it conjuncts my natal Uranus Pluto Venus Saturn opposition. I feel a bit edgy, like I need to do something, but there is so much to be done and I'm feeling overwhelmed, and too connected to the revived up energy of Mars wanting action, action, action to feel calm while life is seemingly happening all around, such as the power going off at my pet sitting job, the fish tank pump not working when the power goes back on, running to the store to get a new one, forgetting batteries while the temperature is 100 degrees and financial pressure--stuff like that! People seem to be on edge in general. The heat here on the east coast is hotter than we are used to, pushing issues to the surface.

Virgo becomes a very mental energy when it is not grounded through the body. So breathing, slowing down, praying, meditating, eating well, trusting...all really importante! Also Virgo is about discernment, self-improvement. So chose your battles wisely and focus on your own backyard.

When Mars conjuncts the outer planets, things happen on a bigger collective level--if you have personal planets in close aspect to the Grand Cross (even progressed planets and angles) be even more mindful about everything--Mars in Virgo directly relates to the element of earth, so don't be surprised if more occurrences regarding our dear Mother Earth arise. We are hitting bottom, and things usually get worse before they get better, but hopefully the healing energy of Virgo will bring a solution to the challenges in the Gulf rather than more strife.

Stay present and know that this week and next the volume is really turned up. Please be mindful in all your actions, in your thoughts, in your words, and be in your body. The drama, fear, and pressure vibration is strong and if you align with that pattern you will attract those energies right to you. The more present, embodied, and mindful you are the more you can be a channel for healing and peace. We need this more than ever.

The earth and the old patriarchal guard are going through enormous changes and we, as women can be in our power as we witness the change, and men can be in their hearts to channel love onto the earth plane. Check out Unplug from the Patriarchy for more information. Thanks Stacy-Astraya (she posted this link today)!

Many blessings,
Wendy Bast Magdalena


Jamie Walters said...

Thanks for two great posts, Wendy, and sharing some really important insights about the current energies we're experiencing and the opportunities we have. Many of us have been 'distracted by circumstances' and feeling that increasing drum-beat (call)!

It's so important to make those discerning choices about where we're focusing our thought, energy, intention, heartfulness. So much being remembered now!


Venus Oracles said...

Thanks Jamie--your words are so true and eloquently put!