Sunday, July 11, 2010

Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse today in Cancer, the sign of mother-love. This eclipse opens us to a new world order if we so choose to participate in nurturing, caring, and loving our mother, ourselves, our living womb~Mother Earth and all of her kin.

So much is happening at such a rapid rate now and so many are attuned to the hype of 2012, we may just miss the message of our birthing here and now. It begins in our hearts, minds, and souls. We each have a specific path to follow in this life, and if evolution has anything to do with yours, the time is now to awaken from our sleep induced by the illusion (that we are powerless) the outdated world order projects, and has projected into the collective for eons (inducing fear, phobias via unconscious religion, the media, processed foods, overuse of pharmaceuticals, corporate exploitation of the earth...)

I am so moved by the energies of today's Solar Eclipse in Cancer I feel profoundly motivated to create a dedication, devotion, and invocation of prayer and ritual for the Earth, hopefully with all of your help.

Since I danced last winter in Sanctum's Goddess Circle on the Ancient Pagan Wheel of the Goddess--Venus' Pentacle--I have had visions of the five-pointed star at the very core of the Earth. With so much happening now (CLICK ON THE LINK AND SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE TO READ SOLAR ECLIPSE CANCER NEW MOON) I am motivated to initiate a gathering where we can join together to honor Gaia, the five elements, the Goddess and be the Mistresses of Animals. As many of you know I am an animal communicator and an astrologer, healer, seer, and a high priestess who over the last several years, has been distracted by "circumstances", and school now, getting ready to graduate has certainly narrowed my vision, but my heart and soul are calling.

I would like to coordinate a gathering where we can create a circle of wisdom and create ritual around the pentacle and the astrological energies of Venus' journey, which began in 2004 and will end in 2012. I see many many people gathering to join in mindful, grounded, evolutionary celebration of love for earth and her kin.

We will need a large environmentally friendly sound outdoor space to gather, where we can create a circle and be in sacred communion with each other and the earth. I invite you to join me and hopefully offer gathering space, assistance to get the sacred word out, and whatever else we may require. I feel the moon cycle, the Full Moon on July 25th would be best.

We can bring food, rocks, crystals, mostly we need our whole selves and each other. Our Divine makeup is attuned to be channels for the Earth. This is why we are all here, now, to facilitate a new dimension of living birthing right before our eyes.

I will makeup a flyer when we have clarity about where to gather. The gathering is specifically for us to join in mindful honor of our ancient connection to the earth, the cosmos, and our birthing into a new world. A sacred alcohol and drug free environment.

Dates of the gathering can be considered. The Autumnal Equinox, September 23, before or after, or dates that correlate with Venus' journey, such as just before or during her retrograde phase in Scorpio beginning October 8th.

Venus' transit stations began in Gemini in 2004, then moved to Capricorn, to Aries, and now, this fall into Scorpio and back to Gemini--so those energies need to be represented and held on the sacred Venus~Saturn wheel we create.

The next full moon though, July 25th, is a powerful time and I would like to begin coordinating this event then via ceremony and planning.

This can be a small or big event with low cost where healers, mindful souls, and those interested in learning more about evolutionary energy...can gather. If you are interested in helping me coordinate, manage or participate in this event please let me know.

Wendy Bast Magdalena

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