Friday, April 22, 2011

Mother Earth Messengers

Today, winged and multi-legged creatures of the earth send me clarity, just as Mercury begins to set forth in direct motion tomorrow April 23rd in the early morning at (12 Aries) 5:58 AM Eastern time.

Yeah, finally clarity arises!!!!!!!!!!!  What a month, huh?  For me, Mercury stationed retrograde and formed a T-square to my natal Moon-Mars square, at the same time transiting Uranus combust my natal Ceres and opposed my progressed Moon, Mercury and Sun.  It was just too much, as my previous post clearly stated.  Now, it's time to celebrate all this Aries without having to hold back.  (It's not that much fun when you're driving a sports car and the light is red for twenty-four days!)

Back to Mother Earth and her messengers.  This morning as I was getting ready for my day (loaded with new home and career themes) a baby centipede greeted me in the bathroom.

Centipede Medicine: Centipede brings the message of new psychic connections and relationships; protection against psychic deceptions; provide stability and enable forward movement; environments symbolic of creative, psychic, and emotional areas. Finding an environment, supportive to their creative and psychic sensibilities, will be necessary for their health and well-being.
Ted Andrews

Then, on my way back from my ventures this afternoon, a hawk flew down from the rafters, in the pouring rain, spreading it's wings out right across my windshield, just as I asked Spirit a specific question about moving.  Hawks have always carried significant meaning for me, clarifying 'yes or no' answers and more.  I haven't received a message from one in a long time either, and thus I know without the shadow of a doubt, the red-tailed beauty sent me a message of deliverance, releasing me from the holding pattern my Spirit has been in.

Hawk Medicine:  Hawk is the Messenger, the Protector and the Visionary of the air.  Along with Owl, it has the keenest eyes of the raptors.  This powerful bird can awaken the Visionary within you, and lead to your life purpose.  It is the Messenger, and when it shows up pay attention; there is always a message coming.  Once Hawk shows up, it will stay with you permanently.  This powerful bird can awaken your visionary power, open your higher chakras to hear the messages to the Universe.
There are many types of hawks found throughout the world, and each has medicine specific to their individual types. However, there are characteristics that apply to all hawks that will be addressed here. Red-tail Hawks are the most numerous of the hawk family. The color red symbolizes the “kundalini,” the seat of the primal life force, the root chakra (sexuality). Once activated the Hawk may enter and start to show you how to move toward your soul/life purpose more dynamically by empowering and fulfilling your visions.

Hawk teaches you how to soar to great heights while keeping your feet firmly on the ground, to grow spiritually, to live in this earth plane but not be a part of it but to expand to much greater dimensions. As smaller birds occasionally attack hawks, you are likely to be attacked by smaller people who do not understand your lofty beliefs or gifts. These people may try to impede your great ability to soar, to keep you grounded in their version of reality.

Because of this strong Hawk energy, this intensified life force activated by this totem, you must be careful how you express yourself. As the Hawk, you will develop the ability to use your words as he uses his beak and talons to rip the heads off snakes; i.e.,the enemies or disbelievers in your life. Be mindful of your words so as not to shred those who oppose you, but take the higher road and fly above them and their way of thinking. Deliver your messages with tact and patience.

The average life span of a hawk is up to 14 years. This is significant. The Temperance Card is Trumps 14 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This card represents balance and flow, a good mix or combination, and the teaching of higher expression of psychic abilities and vision. It is also tied to archetypal forces that teach beauty, harmony and moderation that hold the keys to a higher level of consciousness; to access the Christ within yourself and develop its energies in order to fulfill your soul purpose in this life time.

The sky is Hawk’s realm, and through its flight it communicates with Heaven and the Great Creator Spirit, and conveys that knowledge to Earth: Hawk medicine unites Heaven and Earth.
Steve Wagner~

To All My Relations in Earth and Sky, above and below, I devote my love and my life to thee.  May we live in harmony forever.

Wendy Lynne

Friday, April 15, 2011

Louise Hay on Health & Well Being

Louise Hay, a metaphysical wayshower, always brings the truth home to "what are we creating" with our thoughts.

If you haven't watched, "You Can Heal Your Life," get it, it's fantastic.

Wendy's affirmations for today:

My new home is joyous, loving, healing, and renewing.  My life is prosperous.  I easily transition to my new home and my career continues to prosper.  I thrive in my work with animals and in my metaphysical consciousness--all my thoughts bring forth my desires.  My thoughts are clear, healing, prosper, and filled with abundance and joy.

Oh happy day.  I love you Louise--thank you!!!

HERE'S MORE~so soothing and healing.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Slaying the Jabberwalky

I've been caught in a retrograde galactic egoic patriarchal mind fuck!  I think that sums it up perfectly.  I connected with who I really am, and then I forgot.  Saturn transits have a nice way of doing that, putting us in the 3rd dimension.  But I will speak for myself--it sucked.

Now, post Aries New Moon and Mercury retrograde, I have sacred psychic physical space from the world and my housemate to remember~I remember, I remember who I am!  I'm sure that's a big relief to my cosmological friends, who I have whined to for awhile now.  I know it's a relief to me.

I'm a galactic soul of the entire universe, made up by multiple galaxies, and I came here with a specific purpose.  Many of you don't know that my life changed dramatically several years ago, after experiencing an injury on an airplane and not working for a year.  That, and the fact that I was living on a humble income prior to the accident, coupled with many challenging events all occurring at the same time, I became one of the folks who lost their homes to foreclosure in the spring of 2008.  In fact, I became close to destitute, something I hadn't experienced before.  All of this, plus living with souls who don't value evolution the way I do, challenging me to the enth degree, and forced me to deal with he mundane.  Man life sucks without living evolutionary consciousness in every moment.

Anyway, the world is now rocketing into galactic warp speed with Uranus' movement into Aries (the ending on an 84 year cycle and the beginning of a new one) and I need to put my galactic thinking cap on to catch up.  When I traveled to Peru several years ago, after receiving direct guidance that I would win the trip and travel there with a group of conscious souls, I experienced the greatest level of joy and abundance I have ever felt.  And for the first time I realized how cosmic and galactic my soul was, and is.

Tonight, while updating one of my websites, I was looking for a drawing of grandmother moon to post with one of my articles.  I Googled 'grandmother moon' and I found the photo/drawing I was looking for.  It was linked to a blog, Galactic Culture, which totally awakened me in an instant.  After reading through some of the posts, I realized the reason nothing is opening/moving for me, (I'm looking for a new place to call home) I am too focused on the practical mundane security of this world.  Ha, what a joke!  This world is falling apart if you hadn't noticed.  The only outcome of me focusing on this 3 Dimension world would bring  further calamity into my life.

Having said that, my cat Bear was just diagnosed with lung cancer and I spent the money I needed for the 1st month's rent for a new place and three of the jobs I had lined up for April cancelled--all within a matter of two days.  Retro Mercury is squaring my Cap Moon square natal Mars--ouch!

I'm through the worst of the consequences of going bankrupt and foreclosing on a house, and rebuilding my business.  Now, the only reasonable solution for me is to awaken to the true cosmological truth of who I am.  This knowledge will lead me to where I need to be, who I need to be with, and how to continue to fulfill my soul's purpose and intention (I can hear Ari Moshe in my head reminding us that resistance is part of the soul's journey).  So even though I have been in a rabbit hole detour, I can slay the Jabberwalkie, drink it's purple blood, jump into this cosmic roller coaster we are all on, strap my seat belt on and liberate my soul from the trappings of the ego patterns of fear, doubt, left-brained traffic jams, and devolution.

To further your galactic mind, drink this galactic juice, an educational, authentic, open-minded perspective on the healing crisis every soul on this planet, and the planet is undergoing.  We are all in this together, we are all one family.

Blessed Be Planet Earth Family and thank you Aryz Eden Sky, Awakening Galactic Culture!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Awaking Up!

I've been caught in a retrograde galactic egoic patriarchal mind fuck!  I think that sums it up perfectly.  I connected with who I really am, and then I forgot.  Saturn transits have a nice way of doing that, putting us in the 3rd dimension.  But I will speak for myself--it sucked.  Now, post Aries New Moon and Mercury retrograde, I have sacred psychic physical space from the world and my housemate to remember~I remember, I remember who I am!  I'm sure that's a big relief to my cosmological friends, who I have whined to for awhile now.  I know it's a relief to me.

I'm a galactic soul of the entire universe, made up by multiple galaxies, and I came here with a specific purpose.  Many of you don't know this (and yes, if you're a friend of mine from high school reading this post from Facebook, I was on the evolutionary edge then, and I surely am now) my life changed dramatically several years ago, after experiencing an injury on an airplane and not working for a year.  That, and the fact that I was living on a humble income prior to the accident, coupled with many challenging events all occurring at the same time, I became one of the folks who lost their homes to foreclosure in the spring of 2008.  In fact, I became close to destitute, something I hadn't experienced before.  All of this, plus living with souls who don't value evolution the way I do, pulled my energy down into the mundane.  Man life sucks without evolutionary consciousness.

Anyway, the world is rocketing into galactic warp speed with Uranus' movement into Aries (the ending on an 84 year cycle and the beginning of a new one) and I need to put my galactic thinking cap on to catch up.  When I traveled to Peru several years ago, after receiving direct guidance that I would win the trip and travel there with a group of conscious souls, I experienced the greatest level of joy and abundance I have ever felt.  And for the first time I realized how cosmic and galactic my soul was, and is.

Tonight, while updating one of my websites, I was looking for a drawing of grandmother moon to post with one of my articles.  I Googled 'grandmother moon' and I found the photo/drawing I was looking for.  It was linked to a blog, Galactic Culture, which totally awakened me in an instant.  After reading through some of the posts, I realized the reason nothing is opening/moving for me, (I'm looking for a new place to call home) I am too focused on the practical mundane security of this world.  Ha, what a joke!  This world is falling apart if you hadn't noticed.  The only outcome of me focusing on this 3 Dimension world would bring  further calamity into my life. (My cat Bear was just diagnosed with lung cancer and spent the money I needed for the 1st month's rent for a new place, and no openings on a place to rent, that I can afford, and three of the jobs I had lined up for April cancelled--all within a matter of two days.  Retro Mercury is squaring my Cap Moon square natal Mars--ouch!)

I'm through the worst of the consequences of going bankrupt and foreclosing on a house, and rebuilding my business.  Now, the only reasonable solution for me is to awaken to the true cosmological truth of who I am.  This knowledge will lead me to where I need to be, who I need to be with, and how to continue to fulfill my soul's purpose and intention (I can hear Ari Moshe in my head reminding us that resistance is part of the soul's journey).  So even though I have been in a rabbit hole detour, I can slay the Jabberwalkie, drink it's purple blood, jump into this cosmic roller coaster we are all on, strap my seat belt on and liberate my soul from the trappings of the ego patterns of fear, doubt, left-brained traffic jams, and devolution.

To further your galactic mind, drink this galactic juice, an educational, authentic, open-minded perspective on the healing crisis, every soul on this planet, and the planet is undergoing.  We are all in this together, we are all one family.

Blessed Be Planet Earth Family and thank you Aryz Eden Sky!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Astrological Perspectives

As many of you know I am an avid astrological enthusiast, with a mutable grand cross in my chart,  along with mutable angles and a mutable nodal axis (in fire/air) fueled by my Sun and Mercury in Leo.  I was drawn to astrology in my teen years as a moth is drawn to a flame.  As I approached my early twenties, I began to study astrology (and metaphysics) as a tool to better understand myself and gain some understanding of the complexities of my psyche and my life.  Later, after much healing and awakening, I focused on astrology to grasp the movement of the collective as well, rather than depend solely on the lens of the daily chronicles.

I truly appreciate the larger context astrology operates from and its diverse perspectives (archetypal, mythological, psychological, mathematical, mundane, scientific, astronomical), and have found the rhythm of the planets to be an accurate barometer of both personal and collective temperatures.

With a 60's Generational Signature (Uranus-Pluto in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces) personalized by Venus, Saturn and the nodes, I am a seeker of authentic transformation and integration via holistic healing, integrative bodywork, body-centered psychology, mythology, shamanism, the reclamation of the Goddess and spirituality, as well as many artistic pursuits (art, dancing, writing, jewelry making).  In other words, I am drawn to the language of the soul.

I began to seriously study astrology (and archetypes) in my early twenties, driven by a sincere need to transport myself out of the unconscious world of addiction and dysfunction.  The language of astrology offered me a means to cognitively understand the struggles and extremes of my life, while visually feeding my creative and analytical mind.  The map of my personal zodiac, described my first astrology reading ever (1995) from Caroline Casey, described me to a T, revealing a complex, intense, fiesty, depressed, creative firey person!  I was thoroughly impressed.  Casey seemed to know everything about me, my background, and even my parents, though I had never met her before!  That August I laid under the stars on the beach and saw my first falling stars ever during the Perseid meteor shower.

This new found genre of data helped me manage the painful lessons of my soul's quantum intention.  As time moved along, I went further, deeper via evolutionary astrology into understanding my soul's past conditioning, and its intention to transform and metamorphosize out of those past conditioned patterns (trauma, fear, guilt suppression~Virgo) through self-love, compassion and service to God'dess.

The language of astrology continually encourages me forward through cycles of growth, around the wheel of time, beyond the limitations of my personality, my addictions, and my resistance to evolve, towards my heart and my sou desire to serve through compassion.  Resistance includes karmic deep seated patterns of fear to change and spiritually evolve and devote to a spiritual path, to publishing my books (big one for me in this life), and become my true self.

I love this language.  When  it is embodied, it offers the seeker a progressive perspective, which is both deeply profound and accurate.  Evolutionarily speaking, astrology is means to release the ancient past and access the gifts of our evolving present, empowering our personal and collective future.

May the Sun rise to meet you~
May the Moon speak to you~
May Mercury guide your way~
May Venus provide sustenance~
May Mars ignite your highest desires~
May Jupiter enlighten your beliefs~
May Saturn teach us well~
May Uranus awaken us all~
May Neptune bring you empathy~
May Chiron heal your soul~
May Vesta fire your hearth and home~
May Ceres feed you well~
May Magdalena share her wisdom~
May you discover Lucifer's light~
May Amazona strengthen your heart~
and may each day grace you.