Yeah, finally clarity arises!!!!!!!!!!! What a month, huh? For me, Mercury stationed retrograde and formed a T-square to my natal Moon-Mars square, at the same time transiting Uranus combust my natal Ceres and opposed my progressed Moon, Mercury and Sun. It was just too much, as my previous post clearly stated. Now, it's time to celebrate all this Aries without having to hold back. (It's not that much fun when you're driving a sports car and the light is red for twenty-four days!)
Back to Mother Earth and her messengers. This morning as I was getting ready for my day (loaded with new home and career themes) a baby centipede greeted me in the bathroom.
Centipede Medicine: Centipede brings the message of new psychic connections and relationships; protection against psychic deceptions; provide stability and enable forward movement; environments symbolic of creative, psychic, and emotional areas. Finding an environment, supportive to their creative and psychic sensibilities, will be necessary for their health and well-being.
Ted Andrews
Then, on my way back from my ventures this afternoon, a hawk flew down from the rafters, in the pouring rain, spreading it's wings out right across my windshield, just as I asked Spirit a specific question about moving. Hawks have always carried significant meaning for me, clarifying 'yes or no' answers and more. I haven't received a message from one in a long time either, and thus I know without the shadow of a doubt, the red-tailed beauty sent me a message of deliverance, releasing me from the holding pattern my Spirit has been in.
Hawk Medicine: Hawk is the Messenger, the Protector and the Visionary of the air. Along with Owl, it has the keenest eyes of the raptors. This powerful bird can awaken the Visionary within you, and lead to your life purpose. It is the Messenger, and when it shows up pay attention; there is always a message coming. Once Hawk shows up, it will stay with you permanently. This powerful bird can awaken your visionary power, open your higher chakras to hear the messages to the Universe.
Steve Wagner~
To All My Relations in Earth and Sky, above and below, I devote my love and my life to thee. May we live in harmony forever.